Sunday, August 22, 2010

Borgfest at Organica

As we were dancing and chatting to the psy psounds of DJane Qee at Organica, a Borgfest broke out in local chat! Here is a sampling of what went down that fateful night at Borganica:

[2010/08/07 1:41]  Nebulae Sands: borgasm?
[2010/08/07 1:41]  Misha Otaared: borgification
[2010/08/07 1:41]  Ouija Turbo: mmmm exotic borg
[2010/08/07 1:41]  Nebulae Sands: baron von borgonavon...makin copiessss
[2010/08/07 1:42]  Misha Otaared: feeling borg and listless
[2010/08/07 1:42]  Ouija Turbo: lets not go overborg here
[2010/08/07 1:42]  thomtrance Otoole: the borg the merrier .....
[2010/08/07 1:43]  Mollie Broek: i'm a little borged up
[2010/08/07 1:43]  Ouija Turbo: ALL A BORG!!!
[2010/08/07 1:43]  thomtrance Otoole: is a lapsed member of the borgeouisie ......
[2010/08/07 1:43]  Mollie Broek: smokin too many borgs
[2010/08/07 1:44]  Misha Otaared: mmm, that borg is smokin
[2010/08/07 1:44]  ahimsa Balut: borg-a-burg
[2010/08/07 1:44]  Mollie Broek: is borged to tears
[2010/08/07 1:44]  Misha Otaared: iceborgs ahead! hard astern!
[2010/08/07 1:44]  Ouija Turbo: flat as a borg an never been nailed?
[2010/08/07 1:45]  Mollie Broek: All you need is Borg
[2010/08/07 1:45]  Misha Otaared: some borg to look over me
[2010/08/07 1:46]  Mollie Broek: My Borgfriends back!
[2010/08/07 1:46]  Ouija Turbo: this borgs for you
[2010/08/07 1:46]  Ouija Turbo: if you got the time i got the borg
[2010/08/07 1:46]  Missy Restless: I miss Borg W. Bush
[2010/08/07 1:47]  thomtrance Otoole: remembers the crash of the Hindenborg .......
[2010/08/07 1:48]  Ouija Turbo: ever had borganzola cheese?
[2010/08/07 1:48]  Mollie Broek: it's borgasmic
[2010/08/07 1:48]  Misha Otaared: borg-a-rama
[2010/08/07 1:49]  Ouija Turbo: aaaaah RUN *points and moves mouth fast* ITS BORGZILLA
[2010/08/07 1:49]  Misha Otaared: maybe your memory borgs are down
[2010/08/07 1:49]  thomtrance Otoole: is a fan of Ernest Borg9
[2010/08/07 1:50]  Ouija Turbo: @)~~WeLcOmE wElCoMe~~(~~~~~ To BorGaNiCa
[2010/08/07 1:50]  Mollie Broek: Borganica is never boring
[2010/08/07 1:51]  Misha Otaared: at borganica, disco is futile
[2010/08/07 1:51]  ahimsa Balut: Borgbusters
[2010/08/07 1:52]  thomtrance Otoole: who wants to play borgammon ???
[2010/08/07 1:52]  Ouija Turbo: naw get out the checker borg
[2010/08/07 1:52]  Missy Restless: Cool tune, who is that on the borgan ?
[2010/08/07 1:53]  Misha Otaared: the chess borg got implants andbecame a chest borg
[2010/08/07 1:53]  Mollie Broek gives a dog a borg
[2010/08/07 1:54]  Ouija Turbo: i dun wanna work or play i just want to borg on a drum all day
[2010/08/07 1:55]  thomtrance Otoole: I went to Atlantic City and strolled along the borgwalk .....
[2010/08/07 1:55]  Ouija Turbo: i could use a borger an fries
[2010/08/07 1:55]  Mollie Broek: spaghetti borganese
[2010/08/07 1:56]  Missy Restless: what, no borg and beans ?
[2010/08/07 1:56]  ahimsa Balut: spaghetii alla carBORGnara
[2010/08/07 1:58]  Mollie Broek: "resistance is futile...we are your borgasm
[2010/08/07 1:58]  Ouija Turbo: to borg or not to borg that is thequestion
[2010/08/07 1:58]  Misha Otaared: bad borgs, bad borgs
[2010/08/07 1:59]  Ouija Turbo: hey wuts the BOrG Idea here????
[2010/08/07 2:00]  ahimsa Balut: wants a cannoliborg
[2010/08/07 2:01]  Missy Restless: Would you like to follow my sl fashion borg ?
[2010/08/07 2:01]  thomtrance Otoole: Goldborg and Hashimoto opened a sushi restauant called.... So Sue Me .....
[2010/08/07 2:04]  Misha Otaared tries to figure out a way to us brown v. borg of education, decides she needs more caffeine before she can tackle tht one
[2010/08/07 2:04]  ahimsa Balut: thats borgtempting
[2010/08/07 2:05]  Ouija Turbo: borgle the mind that does
[2010/08/07 2:05]  Misha Otaared: borgle up for safety
[2010/08/07 2:05]  Ouija Turbo: simply mind borgalling
[2010/08/07 2:06]  Misha Otaared: anything to make a fast borg
[2010/08/07 2:06]  Ouija Turbo: i got my surfborg surfs up dude
[2010/08/07 2:07]  Ouija Turbo: was gonna wake borg but dats for kooks
[2010/08/07 2:07]  Misha Otaared: after cosmetic surgery, she was no longe flat as a borg
[2010/08/07 2:08]  Ouija Turbo: don't even get me started with my boogie borg
[2010/08/07 2:08]  Misha Otaared: and forget about booger borgs....
[2010/08/07 2:09]  thomtrance Otoole: opens a new Organica Borg and Breakfast ......
[2010/08/07 2:09]  Ouija Turbo: i think waterborging is cruel
[2010/08/07 2:09]  Misha Otaared: he had terrible borgside manner
[2010/08/07 2:10]  Misha Otaared: you made your borg, now sleep in it
[2010/08/07 2:11]  thomtrance Otoole: thinks we should plant some borganvilla here....
[2010/08/07 2:12]  Ouija Turbo: anyone down for a ride in my winnieborgo?
[2010/08/07 2:12]  Misha Otaared: kudzu: borg in disguise
[2010/08/07 2:12]  thomtrance Otoole: only if you have borgels and lox
[2010/08/07 2:13]  Ouija Turbo: Farfinborgin
[2010/08/07 2:13]  Misha Otaared: i do love me those borgie nights
[2010/08/07 2:14]  KitOfPirate Core: ^^; my mind is borgaling!
[2010/08/07 2:14]  Ouija Turbo: hey anyone wanna give me a borgjob?
[2010/08/07 2:14]  Misha Otaared: i would buy more borganic produce if it wasn't so freakin' expensive
[2010/08/07 2:15]  Ouija Turbo: don't make me borgup all over you
[2010/08/07 2:15]  KitOfPirate Core: ^^; i luff madonna's musicvideo clip.. borgerline!!
[2010/08/07 2:15]  Ouija Turbo: ill borg that for a dollar
[2010/08/07 2:16]  thomtrance Otoole: borgerline??? dooooood...that was totally borgus .......
[2010/08/07 2:17]  M8 Parx: Borgiurnoo Italia !!! -____-
[2010/08/07 2:17]  Ouija Turbo: lost in borgirata ville
[2010/08/07 2:18]  Missy Restless: I wish I could use all my L$ to pay the borgage on my house
[2010/08/07 2:18]  Misha Otaared: i always take so much borgage whe i tavel
[2010/08/07 2:23]  Ouija Turbo: i think i want to get a job with the borger patrol to enforce the borger
[2010/08/07 2:25]  Ouija Turbo: ever watch that soap opera.... the borg and the beautiful?
[2010/08/07 2:25]  Misha Otaared: to borgly go where no one has gone bfore
[2010/08/07 2:25]  Missy Restless: I can feel the borgone energy pulsating thru me in this sound - omg, i think i might be borgulating!
[2010/08/07 2:25]  ahimsa Balut: tuborg
[2010/08/07 2:26]  Missy Restless: Yes! i'll have two borgs please
[2010/08/07 2:26]  Ouija Turbo: an with that i am all borged out *hops in his boat starts the outborg motor seting sail for borgneo*
[2010/08/07 2:27]  Misha Otaared: borgneo!
[2010/08/07 2:28]  Lennox Dollinger: All AHBORG!!!
[2010/08/07 2:29]  Missy Restless: I like to vacation in Outer Borgnolia
[2010/08/07 2:29]  Ouija Turbo: did not vote for oborgma
[2010/08/07 2:29]  Misha Otaared: so much for oborgmacare
[2010/08/07 2:29]  Ouija Turbo: its an aborgination I say
[2010/08/07 2:30]  thomtrance Otoole: this could only happen in Caliborgnia ~~~~
[2010/08/07 2:31]  Ouija Turbo: wasn't that song called "under the borgwalk"
[2010/08/07 2:32]  Missy Restless: I loved the movie "Outback" starring Ernest Borg 9 as the old aborginal shaman
[2010/08/07 2:32]  Ouija Turbo: wasn't that movie broke borg mountain sad?
[2010/08/07 2:33]  M8 Parx: need smoke, MarlBorgro or Camel ? ^^
[2010/08/07 2:35]  Missy Restless: yes, it's like one of those old broadway shows that goes on and on - sorta like Borgy and Bess
[2010/08/07 2:37]  Ouija Turbo: hated gettin kicked in the borgs
[2010/08/07 2:40]  M8 Parx: what a borgdello

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